WNA Blog

Wed 3 Jul 2024

Why Perfectionism is a Lie

Business Support & Administration

Is perfectionism real, or is it just an adaptation of an underlying feeling or characteristic? Here at Navig8Biz, we unveil six truths hiding behind the guise of perfectionism and key strategies to overcoming them.


If you’ve ever said, “I couldn’t possibly launch my business yet; it’s not perfect,” then you know that perfectionism is slowing you down. The truth is, procrastination is often lurking beneath perfectionism. No one is going to walk up to you and flick a switch that says, “You’re ready now!” You have to do that for yourself. While procrastination is sometimes paralleled with laziness, it’s possible that there are other elements involved here. Continue to peel back the layers to understand what’s really going on for you—keep reading.


If fear is stopping you from launching a business, speaking in public, writing a book, or creating whatever it is that you want to put out in the world, it’s time to unpack that fear. Determine whether your fears are fact-based or stories in your mind. For example, if your biggest fear is running out of funds for the project, reverse-engineer the problem by making a checklist:

  • How much money do you need to finance this project or business?
  • How long can you sustain the business without an income?
  • What does that income need to look like to continue the business into the future
  • Create a cashflow forecast and tackle your fears head-on.


Peter Crone, The Mind Architect, explains that perfectionism often manifests from feeling inadequate. If you’re providing yourself with reasons why your business won’t work, reframe these internal messages. Ask yourself, “Where do these stories of inadequacy come from?” Revisit your past to unearth incidents that made you feel like you weren’t enough. Letting go of these feelings can help you realise that you are already enough. Embrace your worthiness and let go of the need for perfection.


If you are holding back on something grand because it isn’t ‘good enough,’ then perhaps your ego is getting in the way. Are you doing the community or the world a disservice by holding back? There may be one person today who really needs to see your product, hear your message, or receive your service. When your business comes from a place of service—“What problem am I solving? How can I best serve this world?”—there is no room for ego. Realise that your business is about serving your community, and this perspective is utterly liberating.


If there is any shame, disbelief, or misalignment in the product you are building, you will find reasons not to launch your business. When the product you are selling comes directly from the heart, your conviction will shine through. Authenticity trumps perfection every time. Improve as you go. Business is a process, not a goalpost.


If disbelief in yourself comes from negative comments by someone you know, assess the person providing this feedback. Identify their experiences, knowledge, lifestyle, achievements, failures, personality, and upbringing. Determine whether your actions are impacting them personally. Most friends and family come from a place of love and want you to succeed, but they haven’t experienced the path that brought you to this business. Validate or discredit that noise and build your own self-esteem.

How to Combat Perfectionism

  • Lower your expectations.
  • Find solutions to your biggest fears before they arise.
  • Tap into your “Why.”
  • Realise your capacity to serve others is more valuable than whether you succeed or not.
  • Get confident. You are enough.
  • Know that failure isn’t failure; it’s a stepping stone.
  • Write a reverse bucket list of everything you have achieved in your life. We spend so much time focusing on what we haven’t achieved rather than basking in our glory and realising just how far we’ve come.

Uri Levine perfectly sums it up by saying, “Perfect is the enemy of good.” You’ve just got to get it out there.

Are you ready to overcome perfectionism and unlock your potential? Contact Joanne Brooks of Navig8Biz for personalized guidance and support.

📞 Call: 0434 602 024  

📧 Email: joanne@navig8biz.com

🔗 Book your complementary strategy session here

Take the first step towards your transformation today!

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