WNA Blog



Fri 17 Apr 2020

Why blogging with WNA helps my business

Digital Technology
One of the wonderful parts of Women's Networking Australia is that our fellow members come from diverse backgrounds and businesses and we can come together and share our knowledge. One of my favourite parts of the membership is useful and interesting information that comes through the blogs.



But there is an added advantage to writing a blog for your fellow members of which you should all be taking advantage. What do I mean? Well it can help the search engine optimisation (SEO) of your own website. Let me explain how, however if you need further assistance then contact me for my search engine optimization packages.

How does a blog on WNA help my website SEO?

Google doesn’t disclose the details behind their search engine algorithms but there are a number of factors that are known through the industry to come into play. One of these factors is that Google will favour sites that are known to be trusted and reputable. For example, education sites and government sites will be considered more trusted to Google and so their pages will show higher in searches. It will also look at the number of sites that are linking through to your website, commonly known as backlinks, as it shows that your website is regarded as an authority. Your site is favoured even more if the site sending traffic through is one of those trusted sites.

To increase your site’s search engine position for different keywords you should be building your site’s authority, trust and citations. And you can leverage the work that Women’s Network Australia has done on their website and continues to do, to in turn help yours. As a member of WNA you can submit articles to be published on the “In the News” blog. Not only will your business get exposure but as long as you make sure you include a link back to your website then you will be creating a backlink to help your SEO.

There are SEO tools that show the ratings on different sites, and you want backlinks from sites that have higher figures than yours, and the higher the better. The key backlink indicators are:

  1. Domain Authority – this is a rating developed by Moz that indicates how well a domain will rank on search engines. There is also a specific page authority rank available. You should use this indicator to see your own score and look to improving it. It would also be good to look at your competitor’s to see how you compare.
  2. Citation Flow – this is a rating developed by Majestic that indicates the link quality. It predicts how influential a URL is, based on how many sites link to it.
  3. Trust Flow – this is a rating developed by Majestic that also indicates the link quality. Sites linked closer to a trusted site will see higher scores, and those with questionable links will have lower scores.

At the time of writing this blog in early April 2020, WNA’s scores are (and increasing all the time):
• Domain Authority – 33/100
• Citation Flow – 32/100
• Trust Flow – 40/100

Most sites that have been working on their authority and backlinks will hover around 40-60. Note that these scores are logarithmic, which means it is easier to grow from 20 to 30 than it is to grow from 70 to 80.

Anchor Text – The text you use in the blog to hold the link to your website

There is varying opinions on what you should use as the anchor text in your blog article for example the text could be your website URL, or it could be your company name or it could describe your services or be a search keyword of which you are trying to improve your rating. You can choose any option but the one thing to keep in mind is that you should vary these if you are doing guest blogging on lots of sites.

How long will it take to improve my SEO?

It can take on average 10 weeks for your link to increase your rankings. So don’t give up and keep looking for other guest blogging opportunities for your business.

How can I find my scores?

I use a paid tool, and there can be a little variance between toolsets on the web but as long as you use the same one each time you should be fine. You can use the free tool to find your scores.

For more software and social media tips connect with Autom8Now on Facebook or YouTube.

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